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Sisterhood of the World Bloggers' Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers’ Award
Champagne Glasses by D Sharon Pruitt on Flickr, Creative

Champagne Glasses by D Sharon Pruitt on Flickr, Creative

“Oh my golly goshes and golly ah gee”! No make that 2 “Oh my golly goshes and golly ah gees”!

I feel rather bubbly today indeed. Maybe I should crack open some early Christmas Bubbly!

Yeah! …two lovely people…Sweetness (Public Transit User) and  Dawny Hosking have both nominated me for the “The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers” Award over the past month or so.

Sadly Dawny (aka our wonderful Warrior Goddess) is not blogging at present due to difficulties she has been experiencing with her health. I certainly miss her very much and I’m sure many fellow bloggers out there do too. If you’re reading this Dawn, we all wish you a most wonderful Christmas together with your loved ones and also relief from the illness you suffer.

Sweetness6645 is still writing. She has a wonderfully entertaining blog as she Chronicles her day to day experiences on public transport. You should go on over and check out her site.

I myself would like to say a big thank you to both Sweetness and Dawn.

As always awards have their own set of rules and below are the rules for this prestigious award:

2 X Sisterhood of the World

2 X Sisterhood of the World

The rules for receiving the Sisterhood of the World bloggers award are as follows.

1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
2. Answer 8-10 questions.
3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know that they have been nominated.
5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

I myself am most grateful to have been considered as part of a sisterhood.

The Questions:

  1. Your favorite color – I think Rainbow is becaquse I happen to like of them!
  2. Your favorite animal – A Dog…..I’ve had so many wonderful dogs and they are always great companions.
  3.  Facebook or Twitter – Neither…Don’t really use either and I find Blogging takes up more than enough time
  4. Your favorite pattern – I think stripes but I’m a little changeable when it comes to design…whatever is new and fresh will attract me at the time and gain my attention
  5. Do you prefer getting or giving presents? –I love both. I find it exciting to give and exciting to receive…both are lovely experiences.
  6.  Your favorite number? – 1,000,000-if that were in dollars I’d be very overjoyed!
  7. Your favorite day of the week? – Friday…it always signals new adventures to me.
  8. Your favorite flower? – Many…Rose, tulip, camellia, orchid, azalea, bird of paradise, Bougainvillea, sunflower, crab’s claw and many many more.
  9. What is your passion? –  Photography of course and  travelling!

I’ll just keep the same questions for my own nominees


The Nominees I would like to present this award to are: (I’m ecstatic as I have 2 awards so that means 20 new nominees). I love all your blogs and thank you for all the hard work you put into making them creative, informative, entertaining and fun. 

Random Rose

Tina at Everyday Life in Vienna

Toni Andrukaitus

Margaret Lynette Sharp

Beth at Humbuzzwhistle

Mindful Magpie

Nia Simone

Arlene at Dreams and Escapes

Edith Levy Photography


Lost in Expression

North West Frame of Mind



Heather Cote

Mary Robertson

Renee Johnson




Once again a very  big thank you to my own nominees, Dawn and Sweetness6645.

P.S. My computer is extremely slow at the moment. Sorry for anyone who has received their notices for this award a little late. Have a wonderful Christmas. Michelle D

Sisterhood Bloggers Award

Sisterhood Bloggers Award Thank you Dawn and Sweetness.